CCWG Wool Pickup

Wool Pick up

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Due to COVID19 regulations You MUST call ahead and book a space.  

604-857-0166 or email

@ 1781 Bradner Road, Abbotsford –

the farm of Dave and Christine Stephens.

Time: 9:00 am- 12:00pm drop off.

Please clearly mark your wool bags (a black Sharpie works well) with your FULL NAME, ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER on the outside of the burlap wool bags.

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Burlap wool bags – small or large, may be purchased from Dave and Christine Stephens at any time.


DON’T DUMP, BURN OR BURY your fleece!  Get some MONEY for it!

Send to the CCWG Depot and get paid!  It’s a free service.

Annually, in the early fall, the CCWG (Canadian cooperative wool growers) provides a depot for anyone to drop off their bagged raw sheep fleece (wool).

Information on what to do with your wool/fleece  and what CCWG does with it.